- PRG to PRF: using GGM PRF construction
- PRF to PRP: by the Luby-Rackoff Theorem (ie., a 3-round Feistel cipher)
- PRP to PRG: using counter mode
Since PRF is somewhat a "random access" version of PRG, one may want to simulate a PRF $F(k,i)$ by enumerating a PRG $G(k)$ to its $i$th value. However, this design takes exponential time and is thus not satisfactory. There are many method to build an efficient secure PRF out of a secure PRG, and here we present the arguably most intuitive one (which is also the first one): the Goldreich-Goldwasser-Micali construction [GGM'84]. Given a PRG $G:\{0,1\}^m\rightarrow\{0,1\}^{2m}$, let $G_0,G_1$ be the left and right halves of $G$, ie., $G(k)=G_0(k)||G_1(k)$. A PRF $F:\{0,1\}^m \times \{0,1\}^n\rightarrow \{0,1\}^m$ is defined by $$F(k, x_1...x_n) = G_{x_n}(G_{x_{n-1}}(...(G_{x_2}(G_{x_1}(k))...)).$$ The security of the construction can be easily proven by induction on $n$. Its fixed parameter security is given by the following theorem, though we omit the proof due to its technicality:PRP to PRG
Counter mode.Example. (OTP vs PRF) A one-bit PRF defined by $E(k,m)=k\oplus m$ is secure, since its distribution is exact the set of all one-bit PRPs. However, an $n$-bit PRF defined in similar way is no longer a secure PRF, since $E(k,m_1)\oplus E(k,m_2) = m_1\oplus m_2$ is obviously not random.
Example. (PRP vs PRF) A secure invertible PRF is clearly a secure PRP. A secure PRP, however, may not be a secure PRF, since a PRP must be invertible, and thus is not random when looked upon as a PRF. On the other hand, the PRF Switching Lemma tolds as if the input length is sufficiently large, then a secure PRP is indeed a secure PRF by thr PRF Switching Lemma: Let $E$ be an secure PRP over $(\mathcal K, \mathcal M)$. For an adversary that makes at most $q$ queries, then $$|Adv_{PRF}(A,E)-Adv_{PRP}(A,E)|\le q^2/|\mathcal M|.$$