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Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Message authentication code

In almost all situations the damage that modified message can do is far greater than the damage of leaking the plaintext. Therefore, you should always combine encryption with authentication.

A secure MAC must have exis­tential unforgeability under an adaptive chosen-message attack.

Let $F:\mathcal K\times \mathcal X \rightarrow \mathcal Y$ be a PRF. Then if we set $I=(S,V)$ such that $S(k,m)=F(k,m)$ and $V(k,m,t)=yes$ iff $F(k,m)=t$, then for all PPT-adversary $A$ that attacks $I$, there is a PPT-adversary $B$ that attacks $F$ and $$Adv_{MAC}[A,I]\le Adv_{PRF}[B,F] + \frac{1}{|\mathcal Y|}.$$It follows that if $F$ is secure, then the derived MAC is secure given that $|\mathcal Y|$ is large, say $|\mathcal Y|=2^{20}.$
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