Finding dominating members
Problem Given $k\ge2$ and array $A$ with $|A|=n$, find the elements with frequency greater than $n/k$ in $O(nk)$ time. (When $k=2$, this problem reduces to finding the majority.)Solution Given a multiset $A$ and $k>0$, we call a number $(A,k)$-dominating if its frequency in $A$ is greater than $|A|/k$. Observe that if $S\subset A$ and $|S|=k$, then $(A,k)$-dominating implies $(A/S,k)$-dominating.
Now we can solve this problem by removing sets of $k$ distinct elements from $A$ until no such set exists. To do this efficiently, we enumerate $A$ and in the meantime maintain $k-1$ counters to record the frequencies of duplicate elements. For each element, we check if all $k-1$ counters are nonzero. If so, we can remove $k$ distinct elements from $A$ by decrementing all counters by 1. Otherwise, we record the element by incrementing the associated counter by 1. At the end of enumeration, elements that dominate $A$ must have the maximal counter values in the record. Note that the reverse is not true, since it is possible that dominating elements don't exist in the first place. Hence, we collect the elements associated with the maximal counter values and return them if they indeed dominate. [Example Code]