Simulate a biased coin with a fair coin
The following algorithm simulates a biased coin with head probability 0<p<1, using a random number generator toss_coin that returns 0 and 1 with equal probability.// Pre-condition: p is a rational number and 0 < p < 1 while (true) { var p = p * 2, var p2 = p - floor(p); var msb = p - p2; var random_bit = toss_coin(); // 0 or 1 if (random_bit < msb) { print "head"; break; } if (random_bit > msb) { print "tail"; break; } p = p2; } // Post-condition: "head" is outputted with probability p // "tail" is outputted with probability 1-pTo see why it works, consider a random number 0 < r < 1 generated by enumerating its binary representation with a fair coin. Observe that given 0 < p < 1, the probability that 0 < r < p is exactly p. The algorithm then enumerates p and r, digit by digit, and determines the return value according to the following fact: r < p if and only if ri < pi for some i and rj = pj for all j < i, where xk denotes the kth digit in the binary representation of x.
The following code fragment is adapted from the book Abstraction, Refinement and Proof for Probabilistic Systems, A McIver, C Morgan, 2005. Succinct as it is, its behavior is not as straightforward to understand as the above one and we skip the analysis of its correctness.
// Pre-condition: p is a rational number and 0 < p < 1 var x = p; while (toss_coin() == 1) { x = 2 * x; if(x > 1){ x = x - 1; } } // Post-condition: x > 0.5 with probability p print x > 0.5 ? "head" : "tail";
Simulate a fair coin with a biased coin
while (true) { var a = toss_biased_coin(); var b = toss_biased_coin(); if(a == b){ print a == 1 ? "head" : "tail"; break; } }The expected running time is $\frac{2}{1-2p(1-p)}$.
Checking whether a coin is fair
First, note that it is impossible to rule out arbitrarily small deviations from fairness such as might be expected to affect only one flip in a lifetime of flipping. Also, it is always possible for a biased coin to happen to turn up exactly 10 heads in 20 flips. As such, any fairness test must only establish a certain degree of confidence in a certain degree of fairness (a certain maximum bias). In more rigorous terminology, this problem can be viewed as a special case of determining the parameters of a Bernoulli process, given only a limited sample of Bernoulli trials.Suppose that there are $h$ heads and $t$ tails in an experiment of $n=h+t$ tosses. The best estimator for the actual head probability $p$ is $$q=\frac{h}{h+t}.$$ One can associate this estimator with a margin of error $\epsilon$ at a particular confidence level, which is given by the Z-value of a standard normal distribution in the following sense: $$P\{|p-q|\le z\sigma\}=P\{|Z|\le z\},$$ where $\sigma$ is the standard deviation of error of the estimate and $Z$ is a standard-normal distributed random variable. For $n$ Bernoulli trials, the standard deviation is $$\sigma=\sqrt{\frac{p(1-p)}{n}}\le\frac{1}{2\sqrt n}.$$ Hence, suppose that $P\{|Z|\le z\}=c$ then we have $$P\{|p-q|\le \frac{z}{2\sqrt n}\}\ge c.$$ For example, by looking up the table we see that $z=2.5759$ for $c=99\%$. Suppose now $h=54$ and $t=46$, then the actual head probability $p$ falls into $0.54\pm 0.12879$ at 99% level of confidence.