Competitive analysis. The performance of an online algorithm is usually evaluated by comparing it with an optimal offline algorithm in the worst case. Let $ALG$ be an online algorithm, and $OPT$ be an algorithm that knows all the requests in advance, so that it can serve them in the minimal cost. Given a request sequence $\sigma$, let $ALG(\sigma)$ and $OPT(\sigma)$ denote the costs incurred by $ALG$ and $OPT$, respectively. Algorithm $ALG$ is called c-competitive if there exists a constant $b$ such that for all sequences $\sigma$, $$ALG(\sigma) \le c · OPT(\sigma) + b.$$The competitive ratio of algorithm $ALG$ is defined as $c(ALG)=\sup_{\sigma}ALG(\sigma)/OPT(\sigma).$ The best competitive ratio an algorithm can achieve is thus $c^*=\inf_{ALG}c(ALG)$.
Suppose a deterministic online algorithm tells you to rents skis up to day $k$ ($k\le d$) and buy skis on day $k+1$ when $k<d$. Then the competitive ratio of this algorithm is computed by\begin{align*}\label{eq:eg1} \max\left\{\min\limits_{k\ge d}\max\limits_{k\ge d, s\ge d}\left\{\frac{d}{d}\right\}, \min\limits_{k\ge d}\max\limits_{k\ge d, s<d}\left\{\frac{d}{s}\right\}, \min\limits_{k<d}\max\limits_{k< d, s\ge d}\left\{\frac{k+s}{d}\right\}, \min\limits_{k<d}\max\limits_{k < d, s<d}\left\{\frac{k+s}{s}\right\}\right\}. \end{align*}The four terms in the braces correspond to the online/optimal cost ratios in the four cases. In each case, the ratio is first maximized by the adversary (ie. the weather) by choosing $d$ assuming the values of $k$ and $s$. The online algorithm then minimizes the maximal ratio (ie. the worst case) by selecting $k$ based on the choice of $d$. In this way, we obtain a tight upperbound on the cost ratio for each case. Since competitive analysis is a worst-case analysis, the largest bound among the four upperbounds is chosen as the competitive ratio:$$\max\left\{1, \frac{s+1}{s}, \min_{k<s}\left\{\frac{k+s}{k+1}\right\}\right\} = \max\left\{1, \frac{s+1}{s}, \frac{2s-1}{s}\right\} = 2 - \frac{1}{s}.$$This ratio is met by renting for $s-1$ days and buying at the $s$th day when $s\le d.$ No deterministic algorithms can achieve a competitive ratio smaller than $2-\frac{1}{s}$.
Randomized online algorithms. In many problems, online algorithms can achieve a better performance if they are allowed to make random choices. A randomized online algorithm $ALG$ is called $c$-competitive if there are constants $c,b$ such that $E[ALG(\sigma)] \le c ·OPT(\sigma)+b$ for all request sequences $\sigma$, where expectation is taken over the random choices made by $ALG$. The best competitive ratio for randomized online algorithm is thus $c^*=\inf_{ALG}\sup_{\sigma}E[ALG(\sigma)]/OPT(\sigma).$ For simplicity, here we only consider requests generated by an oblivious adversary, that is, an optimal offline algorithm that generates the entire request sequence before any requests are served and any random choices are made. One can also consider competitive ratios against more powerful adversaries; see [3] for more details.
Example. In the ski rental problem, a randomized algorithm chooses some day $k$ at random according to some distribution, rents for up to $k$ days and buys skis at day $k+1$. Assuming the distribution of $k$, the adversary would choose $d$ to maximize the expected online/optimal cost ratio in each case. The actual distribution of $k$ is then determined to minimize the maximal expected ratio over all cases. It turns out that the optimal competitive ratio of randomized online algorithms is roughly $\frac{e}{e-1}\approx 1.58$ [1,2]. (TODO: give the derivation of $\frac{e}{e-1}$.)
Lowerbound analysis. A randomized algorithm may be interpreted as a random choice among deterministic algorithms. In this sense, the problem of finding the best competitive ratio may be viewed as a 2-person zero-sum game, where i) the players are the Algorithm Designer and the Adversary, ii) Adversary’s strategies are all request sequences, iii) Designer's strategies are all deterministic online algorithms, and iv) the payoff for Designer is $ALG(\sigma)/OPT(\sigma)$. In addition, the players are allowed to use randomized strategies. Suppose that Designer chooses algorithms $ALG$ according to probability distribution $P$, and Adversary chooses sequences $\sigma$ according to probability distribution $Q$. Then it follows from Yao's principle that the best competitive ratio $c^*$ for a randomized online algorithm satisfies $$c^*\ge \inf_{ALG}E_Q[ALG(\sigma)/OPT(\sigma)]$$That is, lowerbounds for $c^*$ can be obtained by computing the minimal expected online/optimal cost ratio of deterministic online algorithms against random request sequences. (In fact, using a more general result called von Neumann's Minimax Theorem, one can show that $c^*=\sup_{Q}\inf_{ALG}E_{Q}[ALG(\sigma)/OPT(\sigma)].$)