Learning to prove unreachability for non-length-preserving systems
Given a finite set $\Sigma$ and a binary relation $f:\Sigma^* \to \mathcal P(\Sigma^*)$, define $F:\mathcal P(\Sigma^*) \to \mathcal P(\Sigma^*)$ by $F(S):= \bigcup_{v\in S}f(v).$ A binary relation is called regular if it can be accepted by an FA over $(\Sigma\cup\{\epsilon\})\times(\Sigma\cup\{\epsilon\}).$ Given two regular sets $I$ and $B$ and a regular relation $f$, the unreachability problem $(I,F,B)$ asks whether $B$ is unreachable from $I$ through $F$, namely, $F^*(I)\cap B=\emptyset.$ A proof for unreachability is a set $P\subseteq \Sigma^*$ satisfying $I\subseteq P$, $f(P)\subseteq P$, and $P\cap B=\emptyset.$ Such a set exists iff $B$ is unreachable from $I$.Suppose we want to find a proof using the L* learning algorithm. In order to make membership queries decidable, Vardhan [1] proposed to learn, instead of the set of configurations, the set of configuration-witness pairs, where a witness refers to the number of steps needed to reach a configuration from the initial configurations. More precisely, in Vardhan's framework, the proof we aim to learn is a regular subset $W$ of $\Omega:=(\Sigma\cup\{\bot\})\times\{0,1\}$ ($\bot$ is the padding symbol). Each word in $W$ encodes a pair $(c,n)$ such that $c$ is a configuration and $c\in F^n(I)$. We shall use $[c,n]$ to denote the encoding of $(c,n).$ Now, given $I,f,B$, we shall consider an unreachability problem for $I',f',B'$ such that
I' & := & \{[c,0]: c\in I\};\\
f'(S) &:=& \{[f(c),n+1]: [c,n]\in S\};\\
B' &:= & \{[c,n]:c\in B, n\ge 0\}.
Note that if the sets $I,f,B$ are regular then so are the sets $I',f',B'$.
It is straightforward to learn a proof for unreachability problem $(I',F',B')$ using L*: membership query is decidable thanks to the presence of witness, and equivalence query can be answered as we did before, aiming to find an inductive invariant as an over-approximation. After L* learns a proof for the new problem, we obtain a proof for the original problem by projection. However, note that the transformation from configurations to configuration-witness pairs doesn't preserve regularity. Hence, the transformed problem $(I',F',B')$ doesn't necessarily have a regular proof even when the original problem $(I,F,B)$ does (in which case the problem is decidable). In particular, our previous technique guarantees to terminate when $F^*(I)$ is regular, while the technique presented here doesn't. It would be interesting to characterise the classes for which this technique is effective, namely, the classes where regularity of $F^*(I)$ implies that of $F'^*(I')$.
Learning to prove recurrent unreachability for length-preserving systems
The notion of "learning configuration-witness pairs instead of configurations" can also be applied to learn proofs for recurrent unreachability. Given $I,f,B$ as before, we say $B$ is recurrently reachable from $I$ iff there exists $w\in I$ such that the trace $f*(w)$ visited $B$ infinitely often. To prove recurrent unreachability, a witness needs to make it decidable to check whether a configuration is visited i.o. from $I$. This doesn't look possible as a single witness would then need to encode an infinite amount of information. (Recall that a witness for reachability only needs to encode a finite path.) For length-preserving systems, however, a counterexample to recurrent reachability is a lasso-shaped path and hence has a finite encoding. In fact, we can apply the well-known liveness-to-safety reduction for regular model checking to translate a recurrent reachability problem to a unreachability problem. More precisely, given a length-preserving transition system $(I,T,F)$ over alphabet $\Sigma$, we can specify a unreachability problem $(I',T',B')$ over alphabet $\Sigma\times\Sigma$ where
$I' := F\times F$,
$T' := \{((u,v),(u,w)) : u\in\Sigma^* \wedge |u|=|v| \wedge (v,w) \in T\}$, and
$B' := (T^*(I) \cap F)\times(T^*(I) \cap F)$.
Observe that $B'$ is reachable from $I'$ in $(I',T',B')$ iff $F$ can be visited infinitely often from $I$ in $(I,T,F)$. Even though $B'$ is in general not computable, the unreachability problem is still amenable to the automata learning method introduced in our last post. To see this, suppose that the learner has made an equivalence query for a candidate proof $P$. If either $T'(P)\subseteq P$ or $I'\subseteq P$ fails, a counterexample for the query can be computed as before. To check whether $P ∩ B = ∅$, we first check whether there is some $y \in P \cap (F\times F)$. If no such $y$ exists, then $P$ is a proof for the unreachability problem. Otherwise, we proceed to check whether $y \in T'^*(I')$, which is decidable since $T'$ is length-preserving. If $y \in T'^*(I')$, then $y$ is a witness for the fact that $B'$ is reachable from $I'$. Otherwise, we can use $y$ as a counterexample for the equivalence query.
$I' := F\times F$,
$T' := \{((u,v),(u,w)) : u\in\Sigma^* \wedge |u|=|v| \wedge (v,w) \in T\}$, and
$B' := (T^*(I) \cap F)\times(T^*(I) \cap F)$.
Observe that $B'$ is reachable from $I'$ in $(I',T',B')$ iff $F$ can be visited infinitely often from $I$ in $(I,T,F)$. Even though $B'$ is in general not computable, the unreachability problem is still amenable to the automata learning method introduced in our last post. To see this, suppose that the learner has made an equivalence query for a candidate proof $P$. If either $T'(P)\subseteq P$ or $I'\subseteq P$ fails, a counterexample for the query can be computed as before. To check whether $P ∩ B = ∅$, we first check whether there is some $y \in P \cap (F\times F)$. If no such $y$ exists, then $P$ is a proof for the unreachability problem. Otherwise, we proceed to check whether $y \in T'^*(I')$, which is decidable since $T'$ is length-preserving. If $y \in T'^*(I')$, then $y$ is a witness for the fact that $B'$ is reachable from $I'$. Otherwise, we can use $y$ as a counterexample for the equivalence query.