Decidable fragments of second-order logic
(Weak) MSO with one successor. The monadic second-order theory of structure $(\mathbb N, <)$ (denoted by S1S) is decidable. Buchi showed in 1962 that given any formula $\phi(x_1,...,x_n)$ over ${\rm MSO}(\mathbb N, <)$, one can effectively compute an $\omega$-automaton $A(x_1,...,x_n)$ defining the same relation modulo convolution. There is a similar connection between weak $MSO(\mathbb N, <)$ (denoted by WS1S) and finite-word automata. See [10] for a historical survey.MSO over binary trees. The structure of infinite binary trees is $T_2 := (\{1,2\}^*,S_1,S_2)$ with $S_i := \{(v,vi) : v \in \{1,2\}^*\}$. Rabin's Tree Theorem [4] states that the MSO-theory of the infinite binary tree (denoted by S2S) is decidable, or in other terminology: that model-checking the binary tree with respect to MSO-properties is decidable. In [4], Rabin also proved the decidability of a bunch of theories using interpretation in $T_2$, such as MSO over n-ary trees (see below). Note that Rabin's theorem is subsumed by a more general result stating that MSO over the prefix-rewriting systems is decidable [?].
MSO over n-ary trees. The decidability results of MSO-theory over binary trees $T_2$ can be extended to $n$-ary branching trees $T_n$ with vertices in $[1..n]^*$ by encoding a vertex $a_1 a_2 \dots a_k$ of $T_n$ by a vertex $1^{a_1} 2 1^{a_2} 2 \dots 2 1^{a_k} 2$ of $T_2$. The translation of MSO-formulas is straightforward.
MSO over pushdown automata. Let $G := (V,E)$ denote the configuration graph of a pushdown automaton, where $V\subseteq Q\times\Sigma^*$. Let $n := \max(|Q|,|\Sigma|).$ One can MSO-interpret $G$ in $T_n$ by representing the configuration $(q, s_1,...,s_k)$ as the vertex $s_1...s_k\ q$ of $T_n$. Each step between the configurations in $G$ is translated in MSO to a local move from one vertex to another in $T_n$. Decidability of MSO over binary trees hence subsumes the fundamental result of Muller and Schupp [6] that checking MSO properties is decidable for the configuration graph of a pushdown automaton.
Decidable modal logic
Probabilistic modal logic (PML). Let $\Sigma$ be a finite set of actions. The syntax of the logic is defined as follows:$$\phi ::= \top \mid \bot \mid \phi\vee\phi \mid \neg\phi \mid (\phi)_a\ {\rm op}~p,$$where $a \in \Sigma$, ${\rm op}\in \{=,<\}$, and $0\le p\le 1$. The semantics of PML is defined over a discrete non-deterministic probabilistic transition system such that for $s\in S$, e.g.,$$s \models (\phi)_a \le p \quad {\rm iff} \quad \Pr(s' \models \phi \mid s\xrightarrow{a} s') \le p.$$Larsen and Skou [7] show that, when the transition probabilities are rational and bounded above zero, given any PML formula $\phi$ and fixed $0<\epsilon<1$, one can compute an experiment $t_{\epsilon,\phi}$ and an observation $o_{\epsilon,\phi}$ such that $s \models \phi$ iff $\Pr(o_{\epsilon,\phi}$ is observed by running $t_{\epsilon,\phi}$ on $s) \ge 1-\epsilon$, and $s \not\models \phi$ iff $\Pr(o_{\epsilon,\phi}$ is observed by running $t_{\epsilon,\phi}$ on $s) \le \epsilon$. Such experiments can be computed, executed and observed in polynomial time. Larsen and Skou show that PML characterises probabilistic bisimulation in the following sense: two states are probabilistic bisimilar iff they satisfy exactly the same set of PML formulas.Misc
Reduction of decidability. Suppose that model checking $L$-theory of structure $S$ is known to be decidable. The model checking problem for a structure $S'$ with respect to $L'$-theory is decidable if we can give an $L$-description of $S'$ within structure $S$. That is, we characterise structure $S'$ using $L$-formulas over $S$. In other words, we provide a satisfiability-preserving translation of any $L'$-formulas $\phi$ into $L$-formula $\psi$ such that $S'\models \phi$ iff $S\models \psi$. Hence $L'$-theory over structure $S'$ is also decidable.References
1. Structural properties of complete problems for exponential time. 1997.2. Complexity results for classes of quantification formulas. 2001.
3. Verification of randomised security protocols.
4. Decidability of second-order theories and automata on infinite trees. 1969.
5. Complexity results for classes of quantificational formulas. 1980.
6. The theory of ends, pushdown automata, and second-order logic. 1985.
7. Bisimulation through Probabilistic Testing. 1991.
8. The Classical Decision Problem. 2001.
9. A Survival Guide to Presburger Arithmetic. 2018.
10. Automata: From Logics to Algorithms. 2007.
11. Complete instantiation for quantified formulas in satisfiabiliby modulo theories. 2009.