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Tuesday, June 20, 2017

A note on bisimulation and coinduction

A machine $(X,Y,S,\delta,\lambda)$ is a 5-tuple composed by an input alphabet $X$, an output alphabet $Y$, a state space $S$, a transition function $\delta:S\times X \rightarrow S$, and an output function $\lambda: S\rightarrow Y.$ We assume that $\delta$ is total without loss of generality. Also, its domain be extended to $X^*$ by defining $\delta^*(s,\epsilon)=s$ and $\delta^*(s,wx)=\delta(\delta^*(s,w),x).$ A bisimulation $R$ between two machines $M=(X,Y,S,\delta,\lambda)$ and $M'=(X,Y,S',\delta',\lambda')$ is a relation on $S\times S'$ defined recursively as $$R=\{(s,s'): \lambda(s)=\lambda'(s') \wedge \forall x\in X. (\delta(s,x),\delta'(s',x))\in R\}.$$ The union of all bisimulations is the greatest bisimulation and is often denoted by $\sim$. When $\sim$ is defined for one machine, it forms an equivalence relation and is called bisimilarity. Bisimilarity can be characterised inductively as follows. We define a sequence of equivalence relations $R_0 \supseteq R_1 \supseteq \cdots$ by letting $R_0 = S\times S$ and for $n\ge 1$, $(s, s') \in R_n$ iff for all $x\in X$, $\delta(s, x)$ implies $\exists x'\in X.\ (\delta(s, x), \delta(s', x')) \in R_{n-1}.$ It is easy to verify that the $R_n$ converges to the bisimilarity $\sim$, namely, $\bigcap_{n\ge 0} R_n=\sim$. (To see this, note that $\supseteq$ holds as $R_n \supseteq \sim$ for all $n\ge 0.$ Also, $\bigcap_{n\ge 0} R_n$ is a bisimulation and thus $\subseteq$ holds.) This inductive definition gives a simple fixpoint procedure for computing bisimilarity, see below.

Bisimulation and language equivalence

We call a machine a (deterministic) automaton if its output alphabet, denoted by $\mathcal{B}$, consists of only "rejected" and "accepted", denoted by $\bot$ and $\top$, respectively. It is interesting to note that a bisimulation $R$ between two automata $M$ and $M'$ over the same input alphabet $X$ can be itself described by an automaton $(X,\mathcal{B},R,\delta_R,\lambda_R)$, such that
1. $\delta_R((s,s'), x)=(\delta(s,x),\delta'(s',x))$ iff $(\delta(s,x),\delta'(s',x))\in R,$ and
2. $\lambda_R((s,s'))=\lambda(s)=\lambda'(s').$
Given an automaton $M=(X,Y,S,\delta,\lambda)$, the state language of a state $s$ of $M$ is defined as $L(s)=\{w\in X^{*}:\lambda\circ\delta^*(s,w)=\top\}.$ We call $L(s)$ the language of $M$ when $s$ is the initial state of $M$. The following implication can be shown by induction on the length of words:$$s\sim s' \implies L(s)=L(s').$$
Bisimulation equivalence is also called behavioural or observational equivalence by regarding the observable behaviours of a state as its state language. In the world of finite-state systems, two other notions of equivalence are often used in practice to prove language equivalence. The first notion is graph isomorphism. As the minimal automaton recognising a ($\omega$-)regular language is unique up to graph isomorphism, checking language equivalence amounts to checking graph isomorphism between their minimised automata. The second notion is trace equivalence, which relates two states iff they yield the same set of traces. Trace equivalence and bisimulation equivalence coincide on deterministic machines but the latter is finer in general (e.g. consider $a(b+c)$ v.s $ab+ac$). Here is a comparison among the three relations on finite machines:
Complexity: Bisimulation equivalence is $O(m\log n)$; Graph isomorphism is in NP; Trace equivalence is PSPACE-Complete.
Fineness: Graph isomorphism (w.o. minimisation) $\subseteq$ Bisimulation equivalence $\subseteq$ Trace equivalence $\subseteq$ Language equivalence

The proof principle of coinduction

Coinduction is a mathematical tool to define bisimulation. To demonstrate its use, we present here a technique that proves language equivalence using coinduction [1]. A $w$-derivative of a language $L\subseteq X^{*}$ is defined as $L_{w}=\{u\in X^{*}:wu\in L\}.$ The set of $\mathcal{L}$ languages on $X$ can be defined as an automaton $M_{\mathcal{L}}=(X^{*},\mathcal{L},\mathcal{B},\delta,\lambda)$ such that $\delta(L,x)=L_{x}$ and $\lambda(L)=\top$ iff $\epsilon\in L$. It turns out that $L(l)=l$ for all $l\in\mathcal{L}$, namely the state language of each state in $M_{\mathcal{L}}$ is the state itself. Hence we have$$L\sim L' \iff L=L'.$$This fact provides a uniform way to prove the equivalence of two languages. The more familiar method of proof by induction requires that one start from the equality of the base case (which is the pair of the minimal words in the two languages) and proceed to establish the equivalence of the pairs of longer words. Induction however doesn't work when the languages contain words of infinite length. In contrast, proof by coinduction starts from $\{(L,L')\}$ and continues to include more and more pairs via the transitions until a least fixed point is reached. This fixed point, whenever exists, is a bisimulation relation contained in the bisimilarity $\sim$ and thus implies that $L = L'.$
The principle of coinduction is not always effective—the process of constructing a bisimulation may not terminate even when the target languages are equivalent. This fact can be expected since otherwise the Halting problem would be solvable. On the other hand, the coinduction process always terminates when the two languages under consideration are regular: it either constructs a bisimilarity when they are equivalent, or finds a counterexample when they are not. In the case when the two languages are the same regular language, the process actually constructs the smallest finite automaton recognising them (more details later). This fact is a corollary of Kleene's Theorem, stating that a language is regular iff it is accepted by a finite automaton; see Section 8 of [1] for details. In fact, the most efficient equivalence checking algorithm for regular languages up to date is based on coinduction [4].

Bisimulation and fixed points

Given a machine $M = (X,Y,S,\delta,\lambda)$, one can define a monotone function $$F(A) := \{(s,s')\in S\times S : \forall x\in X\cup\{\epsilon\}.(\delta(s,x),\delta(s',x))\in A\}$$on lattice $(2^{S\times S},\subseteq).$ In the terminologies of fixed-point theory, bisimulations are the post-fixed points of $F$ and bisimilarity is the greatest post-fixed point $\nu X.~F(X).$ (Note: these fixed points collapse when $\delta$ defines deterministic transitions.) In this regard, proof by coinduction can be seen as showing that a property is closed under backward computation and contained in a coinductively defined set (ie. the greatest fixed point). In contrast, induction involves showing a property is closed under forward computation and containing an inductively defined set (ie. the least pre-fixed point). Intuitively, backward means that the set is obtained by keeping refine larger sets until the first (ie. the greatest) fixpoint is reached; and forward oppositely means that the set is obtained by keeping extend smaller sets until the first (ie. the smallest) fixpoint is reached.
The following procedure gives a naive fixpoint computation for the bisimilarity over a finite and non-deterministic machine. The bisimilarity is represented as a functional relation $\rho \subset S\times\mathbb N$ that maps states to labels of the equivalence classes induced by the bisimilarity.
Procedure ComputeBisimilarity
  Set $\rho := \{(s, 1) : s \in S\}$, $\rho' := \emptyset$
  While $\rho \neq \rho'$ do
    Set $\gamma := \{(s, \{ (x, \emptyset) : \delta(s,x)\in S \}) : s \in S \}$
    For all $s, x, s'$ such that $\delta(s,x) = s'$
      Set $\gamma(s)(x) := \gamma(s)(x) \cup \{ \rho(s') \}$
    Set $id := 0$, $A' := \mathbb N$, $\rho' := \emptyset$
    Let $L$ be a listing of $\gamma$ sorted by the second component
    For each $(s,A)$ in $L$ do
      If $A\neq A'$ then
        Set $A' := A$, $id := id + 1$
      Set $\rho' := \rho' \cup \{(s,id)\}$
  Output $\rho$ as the equivalence classes induced by the bisimilarity
The procedure starts from a trivial binary relation where all states are equivalent. In each iteration, the algorithm computes a mapping $\gamma$ from each state to the labelling of its successors induced by the current bisimulation. A state will then be re-labelled according to the labelling of its successors changes. The refinement will continue until the labelling is stable, meaning that the greatest fixpoint (i.e. the unique largest bisimulation) is reached. See this paper for a survey of algorithms for computing bisimulations.
The fact that bisimulation relation can be constructed inductively implies that coinductive and inductive reasoning should yield the same results on inductively defined structures such as lists and trees, and make a difference only on structures that contain cycles or infinite paths. Further, while bisimulation coincides with bisimilarity on deterministic machines (such as $M_{\mathcal L}$), coinduction in general does not pinpoint bisimilarity for non-deterministic machines.

Bisimulation and minimisation

A homomorphism between two machines $M$ and $M'$ over the same input alphabets is any function $f:S\rightarrow S'$ satisfying $f(\delta(s,x))=\delta'(f(s),x)$, namely $$ \array{ S\times X &\overset{f\times id_X}{\longrightarrow}& S'\times X \\ \delta \downarrow & & \downarrow \delta' \\ S &\overset{f}{\longrightarrow}& S' }$$A homomorphism is called unique if given any homomorphism $g$ there exists an isomorphism $h$ such that $f=h\circ g$. The notion of unique homomorphisms is closely related to that of bisimulations. First, a mapping $f:S\rightarrow S'$ is a homomorphism iff $\{(s,f(s)):s\in S\}$ is a bisimulation between machines $M$ and $M'$. Furthermore, given a homomorphism $f:S\rightarrow S'$,
i) If $R$ is a bisimulation on $M$, then $f(R)=\{(f(u),f(v)):(u,v)\in R\}$ is a bisimulation on $M'$. [p.34, 5]
ii) If $R'$ is a bisimulation on $M'$, $f^{-1}(R')=\{(u,v):(f(u),f(v))\in R'\}$ is a bisimulation on $M$. [p.34, 5]
iii) $f$ is unique iff for any homomorphism $g:S\rightarrow S'$, the set $\{(f(s),g(s)):s\in S\}$ is a bisimulation on $M'$.
Unique homomorphism is a powerful utility to study languages and automata. For example, fix an automaton $M$ and consider a mapping $\phi: s \mapsto L(s)$ from $M$ to $M_{\mathcal L}.$ It is straightforward to check that $\phi$ is a unique homomorphism. One interesting fact about $\phi$ is that it identifies precisely the bisimilar states in $M$. That is, $$u\sim v \iff \phi(u)=\phi(v),$$which follows from the fact that $\{(u,v)\in S\times S: \phi(u)=\phi(v)\}$ is a bisimulation on $M$ and that $\{(\phi(u),\phi(v))\in \mathcal{L}\times \mathcal{L}:u\sim v\}$ is a bisimulation on $M_{\mathcal L}.$ Another amazing fact is that $\phi$ effectively minimises automata. To see this, let $\langle s \rangle_N$ (resp. $\langle S \rangle_N$) denote the sub-automaton generated by state $s$ (resp. sets of states $S$), i.e., the automaton induced by the states reachable from $s$ (resp. $S$), in automaton $N$. Also, we lift $\phi$ to a graph homomorphism such that given an automaton $N$, $\phi(N)$ is the sub-automaton of $M_{\mathcal L}$ generated by $\{\phi(s):s\in State(N)\}$. It turns out that$$\langle L(s) \rangle_{M_{\mathcal L}} = \langle \phi(s) \rangle_{M_{\mathcal L}} = \phi(\langle s \rangle_M).$$Since given $L$ we are free to choose any $s$ and $M$ satisfying $L(s)=L$, it follows that
i) If $L$ is regular, then $\langle L \rangle_{M_{\mathcal L}}$ is the canonical minimum automaton accepting $L$, and
ii) $\phi(\langle s \rangle_M)$ is the canonical minimisation of automaton $\langle s \rangle_M$.
In particular, $L$ is accepted by a finite automaton iff $\{L_w: w\in X^*\}$ is finite. This result is equivalent to the well-known characterisation of regular languages by Nerode and Myhill:
Theorem. (Nerode-Myhill) $L$ is accepted by a finite automaton if $R_L$ has a finite index. (Namely there are a finite number of classes in the equivalence relation $R_L$ on $L$ defined by $(u,v)\in R_L$ iff $\forall w\in L. (uw\in L \iff vw\in L).$)

References and further reading

1. Automata and Coinduction (An Exercise in Coalgebra)
2. Introduction to Bisimulation and Coinduction (book) (slides)
3. An introduction to (co)algebra and (co)induction
4. Checking NFA Equivalence with Bisimulations up to Congruence
5. Universal Coalgebra: A Theory of Systems
6. Bisimulation and Language Equivalence

Sunday, June 18, 2017

A note on useful decidable temporal logics

Subclasses of FO(LTL)

In the following, we assume that non-constant function symbols and equality are not allowed. The addition of them can lead to the loss of decidability for any of the subclasses introduced here.

Monadic FO(LTL), proposed by Hodkinson et al. [1] in 2000, is the first non-trivial decidable subclass of FO(LTL). This class contains all sub-formulas beginning with a temporal operator (Since or Until) have at most one free variable. Thus, we can talk about objects in the intended domain using the full power of first-order logic; however, temporal operators may be used to describe the development in time of only one object (two are enough to simulate the behaviour of Turing machines). The satisfiability problem for formulas in this class can be reduced to fragments of classical two-sorted first-order logics in which one sort is intended for temporal reasoning. The decidability results also hold for the temporal logics with finite domains.

Remark. FO(LTL) provides only ‘implicit’ access to time: quantification over points in time in the sense of first-order logic is not permitted, and the only means of expressing temporal properties is by the temporal operators Since and Until. It turns out that monadic FO(LTL) is weaker than the two-sorted first-order language, where one sort of which refers to points in time and the other to the first-order domain. For example, the formula $∃t_1 ∃t_2 (t_1 < t_2 ∧ ∀x(P(t_1, x) ↔ P(t_2, x)))$ is not expressible in FO(LTL) over any interesting class of linear time structures [2, 3].


1. Decidable fragments of first-order temporal logics.
2. Temporal Logic. Part I & Part II. Clarendon Press, Oxford.
3. Temporal connectives versus explicit timestamps in temporal query languages.
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