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Friday, October 20, 2017

Verifying liveness property for array systems

Numerous results in the literature of regular model checking have focused on parameterised concurrent systems, which consists of a parameterised number of identical concurrent processes. However, only a handful of these results have addressed parameterised systems allowing concurrent infinite-state processes, such as processes operating on variables over an unbounded data domain. Such kind of systems are also known as parameterised array systems, for a parameterised number of processes can easily be encoded via a parameterised array containing the local states of the processes. Existing results for verifying such systems have mostly dealt with safety properties. For liveness properties, it is sometimes possible to apply an ad-hoc finitary abstraction so that the system under consideration can be handled in the classical context of regular model checking. The following example demonstrates how finitary abstraction may be applied to verify an array system.

Chang-Robert's algorithm is a leader election protocol for a clockwise directed ring of processes where each process has a unique ID. Initially, all processes are active. The algorithm starts from one initiator sending a message to the next process in the ring, tagged with its ID. When an active process with ID $p$ receives a message tagged with $q$, there are three cases: i) $q < p$ : then $p$ drops the message. ii) $q > p$ : then $p$ becomes passive, and passes on the message. iii) $p = q$ : then $p$ becomes the leader. A passive process simply forwards every message it receives. If a process receives a message while it is holding one, the message with a larger ID will take over the another message.
The idea behind Chang-Robert's algorithm is that only the message with the highest ID will complete the round trip and finish the election by the third case. The parameterised version of the algorithm has two sources of infinity: the number of processes and the number of IDs. However, observe that we do not need the exact ID to run the election correctly---it suffices to know which ID is the highest. Hence, we can apply an abstraction that maps the highest ID to 1 and the other IDs to 0. It is clear that a process is elected as the leader in the concrete system iff it is so in the abstracted system. Verification of the liveness property "a leader will eventually be elected" then reduces to a fair termination problem amenable to off-the-shelf regular model checking tools.
Unfortunately, not every parameterised array system can be successfully simplified using a finitary abstraction. The following example provides an evidence for this fact.

Dijkstra's self-stabilising mutual exclusion algorithm assumes a clockwise directed ring of processes $p_0,\dots,p_{N-1}$ with $N\ge 2$. Each process $p_i$ holds an integer variable $x_i$ that can be read by the process $p_{i-1~{\rm mod}~N}$ in the ring. The values of each $x_i$ ranges in $\{0, \dots, K-1\}$, where $K\ge N$. A process is privileged if one of the following two conditions holds:
  • For $i>0$, $p_i$ is privileged if $x_i \neq x_{i-1}$.
  • $p_0$ is privileged if $x_0 = x_{N-1}$.
A privileged processes $p_i$ is allowed to update its local variable $x_i$, causing the loss of its privilege:
  • For $i>0$, $p_i$ can copy the value of $x_{i-1}$ to $x_i$ if $x_{i-1} \neq x_i$.
  • $p_0$ can set $x_0 \leftarrow (x_0+1)~{\rm mod}~K$ if $x_0 = x_{N-1}$.
Dijkstra's algorithm is self-stabilising in that the systems eventually converges to states where exactly one process is privileged. As before, the parameterised version of Dijkstra's algorithm has two sources of infinity: concurrency and numeric data type. Nevertheless, the liveness property of Dijkstra's algorithm cannot be as easily verified with a finitary abstraction as in the previous example. To see this, consider an abstraction function $\alpha$ that maps the concrete values of the variables $x_0,\dots,x_{N-1}$ to a finite abstract domain. Then for sufficiently large $K$, there is $k\in\{0,\dots,K-1\}$ such that $\alpha(k)=\alpha(k+1)$. Under this abstraction, however, any concrete state where $x_0,\dots,x_{N-1}\in\{k,k+1\}$ will result in a spurious fair path that does not stabilise. Clearly, such kind of spurious counterexamples would appear in any finitary abstraction of the data domain. What if we keep the data intact but instead apply finitary abstraction to the underlying topology? Unfortunately, it turns out that two incomparable processes alone suffice to produce a spurious counterexample.

Instead of verifying the desired property as a whole, we may break it into lemmas and prove them separately. More precisely, we can decompose the liveness property of Dijkstra's algorithm into three lemmas:

Lemma 1: The value of $x_0$ is updated infinitely often.

Lemma 2: Eventually $x_0 \neq x_i$ for all $i \neq 0$.

Lemma 3: Eventually $p_0$ is the only privileged process.

Lemma 1 implies Lemma 2 due to the assumption that $n \le m$ and the pigeonhole principle. Lemma 2 implies Lemma 3 by a simple propagation argument. With appropriate abstraction, these two implication relations can be modelled as liveness properties of simple token-passing rings and are amenable to standard liveness checkers (e.g. [1]) for regular model checking. Below we shall concentrate on how to automate the the proof of Lemma 1.

We first establish an invariant "it always holds that at least one process is privileged". This invariant can be seen by abstracting the value of each $x_i$ to EQ if $x_i = x_0$, and to NE if $x_i \neq x_0$. The invariant then follows from the fact that an abstract state is either in form of [EQ...EQ], where $p_0$ is privileged, or in form of [...EQ NE...], where $p_i$ is privileged for some $i\ge 1$.

With the above invariant, we know that the system never gets stuck. Now we show that $x_0$ is updated infinitely often. Given an infinite run of the system, consider a *maximal* segment $\pi$ of the run such that the status of $x_0$ is not changed on $\pi$ (i.e. $x_0$ is always privileged or unprivileged on $\pi$). We argue that the length of $\pi$ is finite. Consider abstract states w ∈ (P+N)* such that w[i] = P if $p_i$ is privileged, and w[i] = N if $p_i$ is not privileged. Then the transitions on $\pi$ are abstracted to

x·P·N·y → x·N·P·y
x·P·P·y → x·N·P·y
x·P·P·y → x·N·N·y
x·P        → x·N

where x ∈ (P+N)(P+N)* and y ∈ (P+N)*. Now it is clear that $\pi$ is finite, since each abstract transition either moves a P rightward, or eliminates at least one P from the state. Therefore the status of $x_0$ will change infinitely often on any infinite run, which implies that $x_0$ is updated infinitely often.

As a result, we can reduce Lemma 1 to a safety property and a termination property of simple token ring protocols, and verify them separately with safety verifiers (e.g. [2]) and termination verifiers (e.g. [3]).


2. Learning to Prove Safety over Parameterised Concurrent Systems
3. Fair Termination for Parameterized Probabilistic Concurrent Systems
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