Decidable fragments of first-order logic
Monadic first-order logic. Also known as the relational monadic fragment (RMF) or the Löwenheim class [2], this fragment is a classical example of decidable first-order logic without equality. The RMF consists of the first-order formulas where all relation symbols are unary:$$\phi ::= R(x) \mid \neg \phi \mid \phi \vee \phi \mid \phi \wedge \phi \mid \exists x.\phi \mid \forall x.\phi.$$Note that equality is not allowed in this logic and there are no constant symbols. Satisfiability of the logic is first proved to be NE-complete [2], where NE = $\bigcup_c NTIME(2^{cn})$. Later it is shown that NE = NEXPTIME [1], and thus the problem is NEXPTIME-complete. The Löb-Gurevich class (cf. [8]) is a decidable extension of the RMF where unary function symbols are also allowed. Both of the classes enjoy the finite model property, cf [8].
Effectively propositional logic (EPR). [5] Also known as the Bernays-Schönfinkel class, this fragment consists of first-order formulas such that:
1. The vocabulary is restricted to constant and relation symbols.
2. The quantifier prefix is restricted to $\exists^*\forall^*$ for formulas in prenex normal form.
Condition 2 implies that EPR is not closed under negation. EPR enjoys the finite model property, meaning that a satisfiable formula is guaranteed to have a finite model. The satisfiability problem of EPR is NEXPTIME-complete.
We can extend EPR to allow quantifier alternation and function symbols while maintaining the same properties, as long as the formula in the extended logic is "stratified" [11]. More precisely, we define the quantifier alternation graph $G(\phi)$ for a formula $\phi$ as a directed graph where the set of vertices is the set of sorts, and for each function symbol $f : (s_1,\ldots, s_n) \to s$ in the skolem normal form of $\phi$, there is an edge $s_i \to s$ for $1 \le i \le n$. $\phi$ is called stratified if $G(\phi)$ does not contain a cycle through the sort of some universally quantified variable. For example, $\phi := \forall x. \exists y. f(x) = y$ is skolemized to $\forall x. f(x) = g(y)$ with $f,g : A \to B$. Hence $G(\phi)$ is acyclic and thus $\phi$ is in the decidable fragment.
Stratified formulas are also decidable, for there is no way to generate an infinite sequence of instantiation terms. By contrast, $\psi := \forall x. \exists y. f(y) = x$ is skolemized to $\forall x. f(g(x)) = x$ where $f: A \to B$ and $g: B \to A$. Hence $G(\psi)$ contains a cycle through the sort of $x$, and thus $\psi$ is not in the decidable fragment.
Formulas in the extended EPR can be effectively translated into propositional logic formulas through a instantiation process over a finite Henken domain, see e.g., [12,13]. Extended EPR is supported by first-order logic provers such as iProver (which is known as the most efficient solver for EPR), and by modern SMT solvers such as Z3.
Presburger arithmetic. The first-order theory of structure $(\mathbb N, +)$ can be decided by encoding $n\in \mathbb N$ in binary (LSB first), such that the atomic ternary-relation $+$ corresponds to a regular relation $+_2$ over this coding and $\mathbb N$ corresponds to the $\omega$-regular language $(0+1)^*0^\omega$. Buchi has shown in 1962 that given any formula $\phi(x_1,...,x_n)$ over ${\rm FO}(\mathbb N, +)$, one can effectively compute an $\omega$-automaton $A(x_1,...,x_n)$ that defines the same relation modulo convolution $\otimes$, namely, $\phi(x_1,...,x_n)$ holds iff $A$ accepts the $\omega$-word $x_1 \otimes \cdots \otimes x_n.$ Satisfiability problem for ${\rm FO}(\mathbb N, +)$ thus reduces to the emptiness problem for $\omega$-automata and is thus decidable. See [9] for a review of the algorithmic and computational complexity aspects of PA. Also see a recent historical review in this paper and its presentation.
A list of decidable theories can be found on Wikipedia.
2. Complexity results for classes of quantification formulas. 2001.
3. Verification of randomised security protocols.
4. Decidability of second-order theories and automata on infinite trees. 1969.
5. Complexity results for classes of quantificational formulas. 1980.
6. The theory of ends, pushdown automata, and second-order logic. 1985.
7. Bisimulation through Probabilistic Testing. 1991.
8. The Classical Decision Problem. 2001.
9. A Survival Guide to Presburger Arithmetic. 2018.
10. Automata: From Logics to Algorithms. 2007.
11. Complete instantiation for quantified formulas in satisfiabiliby modulo theories. 2009.
12. Deciding effectively propositional logic using DPLL and substitution sets. 2008.
13. Proof systems for effectively propositional logic. 2008.
Effectively propositional logic (EPR). [5] Also known as the Bernays-Schönfinkel class, this fragment consists of first-order formulas such that:
1. The vocabulary is restricted to constant and relation symbols.
2. The quantifier prefix is restricted to $\exists^*\forall^*$ for formulas in prenex normal form.
Condition 2 implies that EPR is not closed under negation. EPR enjoys the finite model property, meaning that a satisfiable formula is guaranteed to have a finite model. The satisfiability problem of EPR is NEXPTIME-complete.
We can extend EPR to allow quantifier alternation and function symbols while maintaining the same properties, as long as the formula in the extended logic is "stratified" [11]. More precisely, we define the quantifier alternation graph $G(\phi)$ for a formula $\phi$ as a directed graph where the set of vertices is the set of sorts, and for each function symbol $f : (s_1,\ldots, s_n) \to s$ in the skolem normal form of $\phi$, there is an edge $s_i \to s$ for $1 \le i \le n$. $\phi$ is called stratified if $G(\phi)$ does not contain a cycle through the sort of some universally quantified variable. For example, $\phi := \forall x. \exists y. f(x) = y$ is skolemized to $\forall x. f(x) = g(y)$ with $f,g : A \to B$. Hence $G(\phi)$ is acyclic and thus $\phi$ is in the decidable fragment.
Stratified formulas are also decidable, for there is no way to generate an infinite sequence of instantiation terms. By contrast, $\psi := \forall x. \exists y. f(y) = x$ is skolemized to $\forall x. f(g(x)) = x$ where $f: A \to B$ and $g: B \to A$. Hence $G(\psi)$ contains a cycle through the sort of $x$, and thus $\psi$ is not in the decidable fragment.
Formulas in the extended EPR can be effectively translated into propositional logic formulas through a instantiation process over a finite Henken domain, see e.g., [12,13]. Extended EPR is supported by first-order logic provers such as iProver (which is known as the most efficient solver for EPR), and by modern SMT solvers such as Z3.
Presburger arithmetic. The first-order theory of structure $(\mathbb N, +)$ can be decided by encoding $n\in \mathbb N$ in binary (LSB first), such that the atomic ternary-relation $+$ corresponds to a regular relation $+_2$ over this coding and $\mathbb N$ corresponds to the $\omega$-regular language $(0+1)^*0^\omega$. Buchi has shown in 1962 that given any formula $\phi(x_1,...,x_n)$ over ${\rm FO}(\mathbb N, +)$, one can effectively compute an $\omega$-automaton $A(x_1,...,x_n)$ that defines the same relation modulo convolution $\otimes$, namely, $\phi(x_1,...,x_n)$ holds iff $A$ accepts the $\omega$-word $x_1 \otimes \cdots \otimes x_n.$ Satisfiability problem for ${\rm FO}(\mathbb N, +)$ thus reduces to the emptiness problem for $\omega$-automata and is thus decidable. See [9] for a review of the algorithmic and computational complexity aspects of PA. Also see a recent historical review in this paper and its presentation.
A list of decidable theories can be found on Wikipedia.
1. Structural properties of complete problems for exponential time. 1997.2. Complexity results for classes of quantification formulas. 2001.
3. Verification of randomised security protocols.
4. Decidability of second-order theories and automata on infinite trees. 1969.
5. Complexity results for classes of quantificational formulas. 1980.
6. The theory of ends, pushdown automata, and second-order logic. 1985.
7. Bisimulation through Probabilistic Testing. 1991.
8. The Classical Decision Problem. 2001.
9. A Survival Guide to Presburger Arithmetic. 2018.
10. Automata: From Logics to Algorithms. 2007.
11. Complete instantiation for quantified formulas in satisfiabiliby modulo theories. 2009.
12. Deciding effectively propositional logic using DPLL and substitution sets. 2008.
13. Proof systems for effectively propositional logic. 2008.
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