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Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Liveness to safety reduction with predicate abstraction

An automata-based approach for LTL model checking

Linear-time Temporal Logic (LTL) can be model checked for finite-state systems using symbolic automata-based techniques [6]. Given a transition system $S$ and an LTL formula $φ$, the model checking problem (denoted as $S ⊨ φ$) asks whether $φ$ is true on all infinite execution paths of $S$. A classical automata-based approach [6] toward this problem consists of building a Buchi automaton $S_{¬φ}$ with a fairness condition $f_{¬φ}$ such that $S ⊨ φ$ iff $S × S_{¬φ} ⊨ FG\ ¬f_{¬φ}$. Therefore, when we model check an LTL formula, we may assume without loss of generality that the automata-based transformation has been applied and consider the problem in form of $S ⊨ FG\ ¬f_{¬φ}$. In the following, we shall drop the subscript $¬φ$ and simply regard $FG\ ¬f$ as the target property to verify.

Liveness-to-safety reduction for finite-state systems

Liveness-to-safety reduction [4, 5] is a technique to translate an LTL model checking problem to an invariant verification problem. The invariant encodes the the absence of counterexamples to $FG\ ¬f$, namely, the system does not have a computation that visits some state $s ⊨ f$ infinitely often. The reduction algorithm augments the states of the system with flags seen, triggered, and loop, as well as maintaining a fresh copy of the state variables. It then simulates the system execution and in the meantime guesses the entry point of a cycle by non-deterministically flagging a state as "seen" and saving the valuation of the state variables. An execution will be "triggered" if it encounters a state $s ⊨ f$ after having flagged a state as "seen". Finally, a loop is detected if a triggered execution enters a seen state. The safety property thus specifies that no loop is detected on any execution. This reduction is sound and complete for finite-state and parameterised systems, since a liveness property is violated in such systems iff a lasso-shaped counterexample is present.

Liveness-to-safety reduction for infinite-state systems

The above liveness-to-safety reduction is unsound for infinite-state systems where an execution can violate a liveness property without visiting the same state twice. To overcome this problem, the authors of [1] propose to incorporate the notion of predicate abstraction in the reduction. The abstraction is supposed to be coarse enough to map a real counterexample (i.e. a path from an initial state that visits the fairness condition infinitely often) to a lasso-shaped abstract path, but at the same time precise enough not to admit spurious abstract cycles. The soundness of this approach is based on the fact that existential abstraction preserves any temporal logic without existential quantification over paths, e.g., $\forall$CTL$^*$ and LTL [7, 8].

Overview of the reduction procedure

Below we introduce the liveness-to-safety reduction proposed in [1] for infinite-state systems. Give a system $S$ and an LTL property $FG\ ¬f$, the procedure generates a sequence of safety verification problems $$S_0 ⊨_{inv} φ_0 ,\quad S_1 ⊨_{inv} φ_1,\quad \dots.$$ We shall denote the encoding of the $i$-th safety property as $$S_i, φ_i := {\rm encode}(S, f, P_i, W_i),$$ where $P_i$ is a set of state predicate, and $W_i$ is a set well-founded relations. Furthermore, the encoding ensures that $S ⊨ FG\ ¬f$ holds if $S_i ⊨_{inv} φ_i$ for some $i$; here $φ_i$ essentially states that cycles consisting of states satisfying $f$ is unreachable. The iteration terminates if some generated safety property is satisfied. Otherwise, suppose we have found $S_i \not⊨_{inv} φ_i$ for some $i$. We analyse a finite counterexample path $π$ of $S_i$ to determine whether it corresponds to an infinite real counterexample for $FG\ ¬f$ in $S$. If so, then we conclude that the property does not hold. Otherwise, if we can conclude that $π$ does not correspond to any real counterexample in $S$, we try to extract a set of new predicates $P'$ and/or well-founded relations $W'$ to produce a refined encoding: $$S_{i+1}, φ_{i+1} := {\rm encode}(S, f, P_i ∪ P', W_i ∪ W'),$$ where $P', W' := {\rm refine}(S_i, π, P_i, W_i)$. It is possible that the algorithm can neither confirm nor refute the existence of real counterexamples, in which case it aborts and returns “unknown”. The algorithm might also diverge and/or exhaust resources in various intermediate steps (e.g. in checking $S_i ⊨_{inv} φ_i$ or during refinement).
In the following, we shall describe the encoding and refinement procedures in more details. We begin with a simplified version that only uses predicates from $P$, i.e., $W = ∅$. We then describe how to extend the encoding to exploit also well-founded relations.

Counterexamples and refinement

Consider a safety checking problem $S_i ⊨_{inv} φ_i$. Each state of $S_i$ is a state of $S$ augmented with flags seen, triggered, and loop as in the case of finite-state system. However, instead of comparing the variation of state variables, the augmented system $S_i$ compares the bit-vector induced by the predicates $P_i$ to determine the equivalence between two states. A counterexample $π$ for a safety property $S_i ⊨_{inv} φ_i$ is a finite sequence of tuples where each tuple consists of an abstract state and a concrete state. The projection of the sequence to abstract states forms a lasso-shaped abstract path, and the projection to concrete states recovers the execution from which this counterexample is obtained. When the invariant is violated, we need to make sure that the obtained counterexample does not result from an insufficient precision of the abstraction induced by $P_i$. To do this, the algorithm first searches for a concrete lasso witnessing a real violation of the LTL property, using standard bounded model checking. If this fails, it tries to prove that the abstract lasso is infeasible by checking an increasing number of finite unrollings of the loop. Upon infeasibility, new predicates can be extracted from sequence interpolants with standard predicate refinement strategies for invariant properties [3].

Enhancement with well-founded relations

In the refinement operation described above, new predicates are extracted at the point when the unrolling of a spurious abstract counterexample becomes infeasible. However, it is possible that all finite unrollings of the abstract loop are feasible, but there is no concrete path executing the loop for an infinite number of times. If this happens, the refinement step might not terminate even though the abstract path cannot be concretised. The following example illustrate one such situations.

Example. Suppose that we want to verify an LTL property $FG\ ¬(x≤y)$ against a transition system $$S=(ℕ \times ℕ, \{(0,y) \mid y≥0\}, \{(x,y) \to (x+1, y)\}).$$ Let $P_0 = \{(x≤y), (y=0)\}$ be the initial set of predicates. Then $S_0 ⊨_{inv} \varphi_0$ admits an abstract counterexample path through the self loop at $\langle(x≤y), ¬(y=0)\rangle$. Unrolling this abstract path, however, will not terminate: any path formula obtained by unrolling the abstract loop for $i$ times is feasible by starting from the concrete initial state $(0,i).$

To address the spurious abstract paths whose finite prefixes are all feasible, we extend the encoding to incorporate well-founded relations over the concrete states. The idea is to block these spurious abstract paths by finding suitable termination arguments in form of (disjunctive) well-founded transition invariants. More precisely, given a finite set $W$ of well-founded relations, we encode $S, φ$ such that a lasso-shaped abstract path leads to a counterexample only if the loop contains at least two concrete states not covered by any relation in $W$. The resulting abstraction is sound as it preserves all concrete infinite paths. Indeed, if there is an infinite path such that any two states on it are covered by some relation in $W$, then by Ramsey's Theorem, there must be a relation in $W$ admitting an infinite descending chain, a contradiction. Below we show how spurious counterexamples can be removed by a suitably chosen well-founded relation.

Example. Consider the spurious abstract counterexample in the previous example. Projecting its loop to concrete states leads to two states $(a,b)$ and $(a+1,b)$ for some integers $a ≤ b$. Including relation $R := \{((x,y), (x',y)) \mid x < x' ≤ y  \}$ in $W$ will remove the path from the abstraction and prove the desired LTL property.

k-liveness as a well-founded relation. There are various heuristics to come up with new abstraction predicates and well-founded relations for refinement (see [1] for the details). That said, it is still possible that at some point all heuristics get stuck, failing to produce new predicates or relations to remove a spurious counterexample. In this situation, we may exploit the notion of k-liveness in hope to make further progress. Intuitively, we can maintain an auxiliary integer variable $k$ in the transition system to count the occurrences of $f$. With this counter, the refinement may always discover a new well-founded relation $R := \{ (s, s') ∣ k < k' ≤ n \}$ where $n$ is the number of occurrences of $f$ in the current counterexample. By adding this relation, we allow the procedure to progress by blocking all counterexamples where the occurrences of $f$ is less than or equal to $n$. This heuristic is sound since $f$ occurs infinitely often in a real counterexample.


1. Infinite-state Liveness-to-Safety via Implicit Abstraction and Well-founded Relations
2. Counterexample-guided Abstraction Refinement for Symbolic Model Checking
3. Abstractions from Proofs
4. Liveness Checking as Safety Checking
5. Liveness Checking as Safety Checking for Infinite State Spaces
6. An Automata-Theoretic Approach to Linear Temporal Logic

7. Model Checking and Abstraction
8. Property preserving abstractions for the verification of concurrent systems

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